Friday, March 28

What`s your favourite animal?

What’s your favourite animal?

1. Which is your dream?

a- Flying above a river watching the fish swimming
b- Running to the Sahara Desert and see lots of camels
c- Sliding on the ground and see lots of insects

2. If you went to a jungle you would like to meet:

a- A lion hidden waiting to eat you up
b- An elephant ready to smash you
c- A snake on a tree about to strangle you

3. Which of these birds do you like?

a- Beautiful parrots
b- Wild condors
c- Badly Toucans

4. Which of these pets do you like?

a- A good friend like a dog
b- An independent Cat
c- a Fish

5. What do you like most?

a- Running with a tiger in a jungle
b- Swimming with dolphins in an ocean
c- Jumping with a kangaroo across a prairie

6. What was your worst experience?

a- You were swimming in the lake and a shark ate piece of you
b- You were running ,you fell and broke your leg
c- You were on a plane and it fell. But you survived.

7. Which animals have you already lived with?

a-In a Australia with a kangaroo
b- In Bariloche with a deer
c-In Africa with a lion

8-Choose your favourite animal

Mostly A: You are a bird lover. You don’t like cages. Freedom is the best
Mostly B: You are a fast cheetah. You are intelligent and witty.
Mostly C: Snakes are your friends. You are not to be trusted

Being a pop star...

Can you be a secret pop star…???

1-If you go to a concert …..
a)-you wear sunglasses.
b)-you wear necklace.
c)-you wear a headband.

2-You bought a newspaper and then when you read it there are a lots of things about you. What do you do?
A)-decide never to read a newspaper again.
b)-go and find the writer and talk to him asking why he decided to write those lies.
c)-you don’t do anything.

3-You’re leaving a concert and you’re so tired but your fans are waiting for you. What do you do?
A)-you say no and go away.
b)- change your mind and go with your fans .
c)-wave and shake hands with one or two fans.


Flor Lower Intermediate Social studies

Are you a sporty person???

1- What sport do you prefer??
A - You prefer to go to the club and play all sports.
B – The sports that you can hit your opponents
C – None. You prefer stay at home and watch TV

2- How do you prefer to play it??
A – You like meeting people and playing with them and your friends.
B – only with your friends
C – Alone. You don’t like staying in groups.

3 –What do you like doing in bad days??
A – Going to play football under the rain.
B – Going to conditioned swimming pool.
C – Staying in bed and sleep.

4 – Where do you like play sports??
A- Wherever
B- In clubs.
C- You hate the sports and you like stay at home, playing on the computer.

Mostly A: You love sports!!!. You will be PE teacher, or a professional sporty person.
Mostly B: You like playing some sports, but in closed places. You prefer to play alone or in little groups.

Mostly C: You hate sports and you like staying in your house doing… nothing?

What kind of person are you?(by Carlitos Soriano)

1) One of your best friend needs you in a test what do you do?
a) Tell the teacher that he/she is bothering you
b) Tell her/him that you can’t do that..
c) Pass her/him the answer.

2) If your friend ask you to go to the zoo with he/she but you don’t want to go. What do you do?
a) Tell him/her that the zoo is for babies.
b) Close the door in his/her face
c) Go with him anyway.

3) If you are walking in the street and you see a little boy that it’s lost what do you do?
a) Laugh in his face
b) Help him to find her mother.
c) Continue walking in the street

4) If you find a dead human body what would you do?
a) You start jumping on his face.
b) Phone the police.
c) Run away.

5) If you hate someone and that person hit you what do you do?
a) Shoot him/her on the head.
b) Phone the police.
c) Kick him/her.

A= you will be a killer .in the future nobody will love you because you are a bad person!!!!
B=you are going in the good way but you are too scared and you must think more in your future
C= you aren’t a bad person but you are not a good person either. If I were you I would take more care of my friend. You will earn a lot of money but you will not be happy.

What kind of person are you?

1. If one friend is very ill, it`s contagious and he can die.
a)You go and visit him anyway.
b)You call him.
c)You laugh at his face.

2. You are sitting in a bus and an old woman comes.
a) You give her your seat.
b) You say “there are other seats”
c) Don’t say anything.

3. A friend calls you and he tells you if you can go to his house.
a) You go anyway.
b) You lie to him that you have to go to the doctor
c) You tell him that you don`t feel like.

4. A blind person asks you for a bathroom.
b) You say that you don’t know where it is.
c) You tell him another place.
a) You tell him where it really is.

5. You found a wallet with 200 pounds.
c) You take all the money and run away.
a) You take it and call the police to find the owner.
b) You take half money and take it to the police.

Mostly A: You are a very, very, very good person. When someone has problems…you`re there. Probably in the future you`re going to be someone that any people can help you.

Mostly B: You`re a nice person, but sometimes you`re not good with people that are around you. You must improve tor be like the first person.

Mostly C: Definitely you`re a very bad person. When someone needs help you don´t do it because you can’t or you don`t want to.

Patricio Lower-Intermited Social Studies.