Friday, April 25

One day John goes fishing to the sea, when he arrives he walks down to the sea and he throws out the line.

There’s a sharp pull, then he rolls in the line, and the mutant fish eats John.

John is scared and starts jumping; the fish throws up John and John escapes.
John looks at the fish, it is 11 meters long, John goes home and never goes fishing again.
Guadalupe and Ismael (workshop upper level)

Going Fishing

John goes fishing

One day John goes fishing to the river, when he arrives he walks down to the river and he throws out the long line.

There’s a sharp pull, then he rolls in the line, and there’s a big fish on it.He makes a very big fire to cook the enormous fish, it’s was delicious

John hears a dog howl, it’s horrible!
He looks up, the dog is sitting opposite, and he throws a piece of fish, because the dog was hungry.

The end
Ezra and Brenda Workshop upper level

Going Fishing

One day Jack went to the lake to fish something to eat.. He went by boat.
First Jack took his fishing rod and he walked down to the lake. He threw out the line
Later he felt a sharp pull, and rolled in the line. There was a big salmon, a big fish on it .After some minutes he made a fire near the forest. Jack cooked the salmon fish, suddenly he heard a dog howl. When the fish was ready he started eating.

But some minutes later Jack looked up and he get a big surprise; a big black dog was sitting opposite him. He felt pity for the dog and he threw piece of fish to the dog.

Nahuel and Nadia Workshop upper level

One day, Peter takes his fishing rod. He walks down to the river. He throws out the line

There is a sharp pull and he rolls in the line.

There is a big fish on it . He makes a fire. He cooks the fish.Then he hears a dog howl. He starts eating. He looks up.
The dog is sitting opposite him

He throws the dog a piece of fish.
Now the dog and the man are very happy
Brenda Luis Camila Workshop upper level