Thursday, October 15

Global warming

The global warming is growing up, and we have to stop it. How? We have to try not to use so many contaminant things like:

*throwing rubbish in the street

*throwing non - rechargeable batterys

*use low energy lights

*let the lights on

The world is growing up because we throw or use contaminants things. Those things make the ozorno layer bigger. So can the sunshine go in, but they can´t go out, because the ozorno layer is thicker. Then all that sunshine make the air in the planet hotter and the ice or snow melt.

Adolescents in town Marcos

music is often an important part of religius celebration. musin in the mpentecostal church is particuary rhymic and expressie.It's called ' gospel' music iç.
In te USA in the 1950s and 1960s , gospel was a big influence on black mucisians. they adapted the rhythms and styles of gospel to create' solul' music.

Choco Truffles











International English

People use English around the world, from Australia to Zimbabwe and from Albania to Zaire. About 400 years ago, the number of English speakers in the world was probably between 5 and 7 million. Three are now more than 500 million naive speakers.
The USA has the bigger population of English speakers, but English is also the first language in Britain, Ireland, New Zeeland, Canada, Australia and South Africa. China has got the bigger population than all of these places, but Mandarin Chinese is not an international language. Not many people speak Chinese outside China, but an enormous number of people study English as a foreing language.
But how did English become so important there are three main reasons. Firstly, Britain colonized many countries. Secondly, some of those countries became very rich and powerful especially the United States. Finally, international communication became very important, and in many situations we now need an international language.
English is the language of international business, politics, science, tourism and computers. If a Japanese company wants to talk to Arabic clients, they probably speak English.

adolescents in town

Cristian and Camila

Jimmy Cliff

He was born in Jamaica in 1948.At the age of 14 he went to see a record producer and sang for him.The producer was impressed and paid him to record two songs. One of the songs became a hit in Jamaica and this started jimmy's career.

He traveled to Europe,Africa and South America, becoming one of the first international reggae stars. I can see cleary now was a hit for jimmy in 1993.

SkA aNd ReGgAe

Bob Marley: The most popular reggae singer

Musia from the USA was popular in many parts of the world in the 1950s and ´60s.
Hamaia musitians combined rhythm and blues with theyr own musitian ideas, an the result was a fast dance music called "ska". Later, they invented "reggae". Reggae is a slower version of ska - some peple say that ska was too fast for the hot Caribean climate of Jamaica! The bass is a strong element of reggae, and the drums and guitar sounds are unique. The most popular reggae singer was Bob Marley, who wrote a lot of reggae songs. He was born in Jamaica and was the propulsor of the regae in the world.

Adolescents in town Ezra and Marcos

Wednesday, October 14

The night of FIRE !, Soller, Mallorca

It's the annual Night of Fire festival and the final event, the race of fire, is about to begin. A hot night is about to get been even hotter. The festival runners have just appeared; they're wearing animal skins, and carrying fireworks. They've started sparing the crowd with a shower of fire. People are srceaming and laughing at the same time. My new Friends, Jose and Martina, have set off to race with the fire, but I'm happy just to watch.

A video about the twin towers, it's pretty scary if you are superstitious.

Hollywood Fiction

Pirates of the Caribbean is a great film, but don`t believe everything you see about the life of an eighteenth century pirate. Filmmakers cleary hadn`t studied history before they made the film. In the film, a pirate`s life seems exciting and Johnny Depp looks romanti, but in real life pirates weren`t romantic at all, killed sailors and took anything valuable. And it`s no good looking for hidden treasure, because a soon as they got into port, they sold the jewels or gold they had stolen.

A pirate`s life involved danger, violence and early death, perhaps it was a bit too exciting at times. It was certainly a hard life, because pirates ships weren`t like the luxury cruise ships we see nowadays in the Caribbean. Three hundred years ago ships were filthy and cramped. The smell of human sweat on board ships was imaginable. There wasn`t much privacy, they weren`t any toilets and lot of pirates had stomach problems!

Hands up for a saturday school !

When i visited the New City academy on saturday, i did't expect to meet many students. I got a big surprise !!! Saturday school started as a punishment, but on the day that i visited , only seven students were wearing school uniforms, a sing that they were in detention. all the other students were at school on saturday because they wanted to be there.

Everywherei looked, people were working hard, but not many activities have anything to do with the school curriculum. A rock and roll band was practising in the canteen. The band started coming to saturday school two years ago."We wanted somewhere to practise. Rock and roll is noisy, but at school, it doasn`t matter,' they told me.

In the gym a group of teenagers were preparing to take part in team games, and in the library another group were talking life skills lessons. About fifteen students were watching X-Men 3 in the computer room , while another thirty or so were working in the school garden.

Tony , 13, doesn't have a computer at home. "I came to school on saturdays because i wanted to use the computer to do some revision. Then i did a bit of gardening. now i came every week", he told me . Head teacher alan mason made sure that saturday school was fun for the students , but how did he persuade teacher, who earned nothing fot heir morning's work, to join in?

"All the teachers who came found it very satisfying", explained Mr Mason. " they had more time to by deal with problems and they made contact with the students in a diferent way".

Rule the school

Do you imagine if students could teach teachers?
That would be a disaster :D

In USA (Unite States Of America) an anonimus school had make a project that consist on changing places with teachers.
The students teached the teachers about what they know. Some talk about music,Games,Sports,etc...
We, the students , of upper intermediate make that project too, it was a really nice experience.
Patricio occhiuzzi talked about Drums
Carlitos Soriano talked about Guitar Hero
the other students talked about other things that are not so interesting.
We have chosen this text because we love the idea of changing roles with teachers.


Wrong classroom

Jack was late. He was runnning up the steps when he triped. He dropped his book. The other students wachted him and laughed.
The bell rang and everybody started to go to the classrooms. Other students pushed Jack down the corridor and he couldnt in his classroom.
Jack found his classroom after a while, when he opened the door the teacher was sleeping and the students were doing an exam. Jack went to the desk sat down and started to read the paper, but he didnt understand anything, he didnt know what to do and he started to panic. The teacher woke up and he saw Jack, he was very surprised. He shouted- You're in the wrong classroom!!!!-.

By Francisco García and Carlos Flury

my name is Aldana. I like the program I CARLI and this poiture i have nine years old

Learning numbers 1 to 10

for our young learners

hello Ii am Delfina Vecchiet and I love the best DOGS and my friends.
My favorite phrase is BE HAPPY¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

That phrase I have said it all my life , because I think that although there are bad things you have to take the positive things from it.....
beginners Iv in town morning

Cool Runnings Trailer

WE enjoyed this moved so much!!!!!

Beg IV morning town

Im Javier Argañaras and this is my story

There is family of a bears. They are Lucas and Carolina. They live next to the castle. The castle is green and red. In there is a drago because the food needed protection. The dragon has got for heads and it is big and violet. It can throw fire out of his mouths. The bears try to enter the castle and steal the food, but the dragon sees them and he is hungry. The bear takes his gun and the fight startes. It´s dangerous fights with dragon, but cominz to eat. The are very happy now.


beginners IV mornings town

I am Agustin Fernandez

I live in Bariloche .My mother works at a dentist's, my father is a dentist. I like skiing but I don´t like snowboarding. Yesterday I went to Chile, I like Chile.

IM 10 years old ,my birthday is on 5th August . I like planes a lot.

agustin f.f. beginners iv town

type:fantasy film

stars: tristar pictures

director: Danny Devito

producer: Danny Devito , Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher.


It is about a girl who is magical and some things in her life happen, she uses her magic.

My favourite scene: is when the headmistress of Matilda[s school, holds a girl by the hair.

my favourite character: is Matilda.

The ending was: Matilda goes to live with her teacher.


I thing that the good acting: is the father of Matilda and Matilda.

The music: is beautiful.

special effects is when Matilda used her magic at the school.

costumes: the costumes are from 1996

Mi name is Matias Tomaz i am 10 yers old I have one sister and my father , my mother and I live in Barilohe .I like the lions because they are very, very funny, especially the albine lions .



A The dog A is the BIGGEST of all.

B The dog B is smaller than the dog A.

C The dog C is smaller than the dog B.