Friday, October 29

The trickster by Mariana Alderete

The Trickster by Mariana Alderete
(based on the Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl)

I’m going to tell you about a thing that happened and irritated me so much yesterday evening. Well, my daughter Sara and I went out of the dentist's and then we went into a café to drink something. Sara chose a banana split and I only had a cup of coffee. When we went out of the café it started to rain heavily so I decided to get a taxi. We were lucky that we were wearing ordinary clothes and not something new or expensive because we were soaked to the skin. My daughter asked me to go inside the café again and wait till the rain stopped but I knew it wouldn't, so I told her we would go to the pavement to wait for a taxi. Yet, unfortunately they were all busy.
Suddenly I saw a man coming in our direction. He was old and small, ‘I don’t like this man at all’ I told myself. The man took his hat off and asked me politely for a favor and I answered him cool and distant that I was not going to give him any money.
I consider myself a suspicious person and everybody knows that, especially my daughter. I always tell Sara ‘you can always spot a gentleman by the shoes he wears’ and the man was really well-dressed but I had to protect my girl, 'cause as I also say, no matter how well-dressed a man can be, you never know what could happen if you trust a stranger so quickly.

‘I beg you to believe, madam, that I am not in the habit of stopping ladies in the street and telling them my troubles’ the man said.

‘I should hope not’ I answered him.

I took a look at my daughter and I knew she was embarrassed by my sharpness. But I couldn’t trust him so easily, no. He told me that he had forgotten his wallet, which he had never forgotten before. ‘Great! Just great! He wants money, I knew it!’ said a voice in my head. He wanted a pound to pay for his taxi-fare giving us his umbrella in exchange. He said he always went out for long walks but he had forgotten his wallet and he was too tired to walk. It was a silk umbrella and as I wanted to end the conversation, I took a pound out, handed it to him and took the umbrella. The man was very thankful so I guessed he was a gentleman and not a trickster after all.
However, some minutes later, Sara and I saw the man crossing the street very quickly. He
did not look very tired so we decided to follow him. We walked a lot till he entered a pub and we stayed out and looked through the window. He found his place at the bar and told something to the barman who later brought him a brown liquid...neat whisky. Next, he put MY pound on the counter. I couldn’t believe it!
The umbrella man cleaned his moustache with his tongue. Then he started walking to the door again and put his hat and his coat on, but what surprised me the most was that he took an umbrella from the coat-rack. He was stealing umbrellas! I immediately realized what his game was, he never went to the same pub twice and asked for a pound in exchange for a umbrella that he stole from some pub in order to afford a glass of whisky every rainy day.
But I am not going to let him do it any more, that is why I'm warning all of you to be careful.

The Flowers Woman by Sofia Sandor

The flowers woman

(Based on the umbrella man by R. Dahl)

I was walking towards school when a young woman appeared in front of me and asked me if I could give her some money and in return she could give me a flower. She was hungry and she didn’t have any food to eat. I offered a sandwich that I had in my school bag, but she didn’t like it, she wanted to buy another kind of food. I had two pounds so I gave them to her, and though I didn’t want the flowers, I took them all the same.
Later that day, I went to school and I saw my friends. One of them told me that she was walking to school when a young woman approached her and asked her for money.
-Oh! The same happened to me! - I interrupted Jane, my best friend, when she was finishing the story.
- Wait! I haven’t finished telling you! She offered me some horrible flowers in return- she laughed.
I told her that she had offered me flowers too. “Perhaps she couldn’t buy anything with the two pounds I gave her, so she wanted more money to buy the food she wanted,” I thought.
“But she had more flowers, where had she taken them from?” I wondered.
When Jane and I were going back to our houses, we saw the woman talking to a person.
She took a flower from a bag and gave it to her.
That was strange, the same woman asking for money. For the money I had given her plus Jane’s was enough to buy a lot of food, whatever she wanted.
We suspected she was doing some kind of illegal thing, so we decided to spy on her. When the person who was with her went away, she crossed the street in a rush. We followed her. Some minutes later she disappeared. We wanted to know where she was going, so we looked for her.
After some time, we were tired and hungry and wanted to go home, but finally we found her. She was trying to steal some flowers from a man who was selling them. We saw that when the man was talking to some customer, the young woman stole the flowers that were behind him and put them in her own bag.
With the new flowers she ran across the pavement and we ran too. Some minutes later she was asking for money with the flowers in return. We stayed there, hiding behind a tree, all the evening. When the young woman had finished asking for money she went towards a shoe-shop. We saw her going in it.
With all the money she had earned she bought the most expensive shoes! The ones I had always wanted to buy! They were beautiful.
She went out with a big smile. -I’ve made it, now I have the best pair of shoes in the world-

¨A different point of view¨, by Pedro Martinet, PCE2 MELIPAL


Like any ordinary day of my life I woke up around 1 o’clock, and had breakfast, tea and some cookies. After that I chose a street of my city to carry out my usual ¨job¨ and satisfy my necessities. I brushed my hair and my white moustache, took my current umbrella and went out into the main street.
Already in the main street I saw the perfect woman to continue my trip. When I came closer to her I saw that she was a mother, with her daughter, but that didn’t stop me.
¨Excuse me, I do hope you will excuse me…¨ I said with a kind tone, to the woman was soaking wet under the rain day. At first the lady was distant and I perceived a little fear in her face, but then she went friendlier when she discovered that I didn’t mean any harm. I told her that I was in a kind of problem because I had left my wallet in another jacket and didn’t have money to take a taxi.
¨Are you asking me to give you money? ¨ said the woman, but I denied it.
¨So what are you asking for? ¨ asked me in a most violent and suspicious way,
¨I want to offer this umbrella of mine which would be great for you and your daughter on this rainy day ¨, ¨I sell this umbrella to you for the minim amount of 1 pound ¨ I convinced her that it was a good offer lying that I had bought the umbrella for twenty pounds and I was selling it to her for only 1 pound. I told her that one of my legs had a problem and it hurt and I couldn’t walk properly, so I needed the money to pay a taxi. The lady believed me and accepted to buy my umbrella.
As soon as the woman has given me the pound, I started walking very fast because ¨The Red Lion¨ was closing in a few minutes. I turned left, then right, walked to blocks and finally I got to the door, ¨The Red Lion¨. I walked inside and asked the barman for ¨A triple whisky, with out rocks ¨. I quickly drank the liquid as if it had been the last drink of my life, then went near the door where the people leave their umbrellas and surreptitiously took the nicest umbrella I saw, and went out of the bar. When I was going out of the bar I saw the woman and her daughter spying on me from the window. I supposed they had followed me, and most probably had seen me walking with out trouble. I went out of the bar as quick as I could and fortunately didn’t see the mother and daughter ever again. They didn’t ask me anything so I went to the next street and started my job as usual.

Based on 'The Umbrella man' by R. Dahl.

Tuesday, October 26

The Umbrella man

The umbrella man.

The umbrella man is both a funny as well as an interesting story written by Roald Dahl, the famous British short story writer. The main characters are a good-looking gentleman, a middle aged woman and her twelve-year-old daughter. It’s set on the streets of London on a rainy day.
The story is about a small , well-dressed polite man who asks a woman if she can give him some money to pay for the taxi back home because he has left his money in his other jacket. When the woman gives him a bank note, this man offers her an umbrella in exchange for the money but, surprisingly, he starts running away. the woman and her daughter feel suspicious, so they follow him.
The author writes in a clever appealing way and most of these stories are related to robberies or situations like this.
I would recommend Roald Dahl´s ”The Umbrella man” if you like funny stories that are related to petit crime.

by Valeria Gleinig & Jael Laino
Pre-FCE II - Melipal



"The Umbrella man" is a non-fiction story written by Roald Dahl, the famous British short story writer. A middle-aged mother, her twelve-year-old daughter and a strange, but very polite man are the main chracters of an out-of-the-ordinary situation on the streets of London.

The woman and her child are having a snack in a café. The moment they are going out, it starts raining heavily and a small old man approaches them. He asks the mother to do him a favour. She looks at him very suspiciously as she is always suspicious of unknown men. He tells them he never forgets anything but on this day, somehow, he has forgotten his wallet. The man asks her for money to take a taxi and, in exchange, he gives them his expensive silk umbrella. The woman accepts it and gives him the banknote. The old man says goodbye and starts running away along the street. He surprisingly does not take the taxi. So, what will he do with the money?

For us the story is not that good because the plot is not interesting at all or as entertaining as we thought it would be. Although this is the case, it teaches you a moral.

BY: Juliana Alfaro and Fabrizio Sanguinetti - PRE F.C.E. 2 - Melipal

The umbrella man by Roald Dahl

This is a non-fiction story written by Roald Dahl, the famous British short story writer. The main characters are a strange but good-looking polite man, a middle aged woman and her twelve year-old daughter. The story takes place somewhere in the streets of London on a rainy day.

The woman and her daughter are walking in the street when a gentleman approaches them and asks them if they could lend him some money to pay for a taxi back home as he has forgotten his jacket with his wallet at his house. The man offers his umbrella in exchange for the money, which the woman accepts although she feels suspicious. Immediately after that, the man runs away. Where is he going? What is he going to do with the money?

Many of Roald Dahl stories are related to robberies or situations like this, like the hitchhiker, for instance. Both are well written in a clever way.

This is a very interesting story and I recommend it to everyone. You will surely have a great time reading it and it doesn’t get boring at any time. Some of the characters are mysterious and weird, so this creates a feeling of suspense which is something not many writers can truly depict.

Maru Olivares Ashef and Mateo Arce - Pre-FCE2 - Melipal

The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl

I thoroughly enjoyed one of the Roald Dahl's short stories, The Umbrella Man, a non-fiction story with a tricky plot. It takes place on the streets of London on a rainy day.

The story opens with a middle-aged woman and her twelve-year-old daughter leaving a café and waiting for a taxi to go home. Just then a polite and well-dressed man comes up to them. This one tells the mother that he forgot his wallet and can't pay for the taxi, because his old and tired legs don't allow him to walk. The lady is very suspicious of this man, until he offers his silk umbrella in exchange for the taxi-fare. The mother thinks there was no decieving on the trade, so she gives the man the money. Immediately, the old person starts running away! "What will he do with the money?".

This and many other stories by this clever author centres on ingenious thefts. One of the things I liked best about the story, apart from the intriguing plot, was the great way the story develops, because it was written so the reader gets involved at all times. My only criticism is that the ending isn't that attractive.

All in all, though, if you are a fan of gripping plots, you'll love this story, which is very similar to Roald Dahl's story called "The Hitchiker".

Student: Fernando Bliznikowich
Group: Pre F.C.E. 2 Melipal

The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl

The Hitchhiker
The Hitchhiker is a suspense story. It is written by Roald Dahl, the famous British novelist. The main characters are a middle-aged writer and a ratty-faced quick and clever hitchhiker.
The story starts when the writer gives the hitchhiker a lift. They face a problem with a policeman and the writer will have to discover what this strange hitchhiker does for a living. But it will not be easy for him.This strange man is very clever and makes it almost impossible for him to guess what he does. At the end the writer gets to know which the job of this man is. It will surprise you!

The story is very gripping and you will not want to stop reading until you reach the end. It has a very attractive and interesting plot. I recommend it to people who like these types of stories.

Written by Jeronimo Dai - Pre-FCE2 - Melipal

The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl


Full of suspense, action, and thrilling moments. A great story! The hitchhiker was written by Roald Dahl, the famous British short story writer. This is a non-fiction short story. The main characters are a successful novelist and a bold hitchhiker who works as a fingersmith.

It all starts when the novelist who is driving a new car gives the hitchhiker a lift. The hitchhiker bets on the car’s speed limit, and so they go as fast as they can. Later, a policeman stops them. He wants to fine them, and he says that they must go to court, suggesting that they could go to jail. Apparently, the hitchhiker was a fingersmith, and he steals from the policeman the documents which contain their names, address, etc.

The writer depicts realistic and elegant characters, in this case thieves, the way they steal, and how easily one can be robbed.

I really recommend this to people who like suspense stories. I think it is a great masterpiece not to be missed!
Written by Agustin Yoshihara. PFC 2. Melipal

The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl

by Roald Dahl

The umbrella man is an excellent short story by Roald Dahl, a very clever writer with wonderful ideas, who published several books and wrote a number of screenplays. He was born in 1916 in England and he died in 1990. He made films like 'Matilda' and 'Charly and the Chocolate factory' that were magnificent and so popular.

The main characters in The Umbrella Man are a twelve-year-old girl, her mother and an old, polite well-dressed man.

The story takes place in the streets of London. The girl and her mother are in a café. Suddenly, when they go out, they bump into an old man who asks for money to pay for a taxi to return to his house. He explains that his wallet is in his house and he can't walk under that heavy rain as he is too tired. The woman, leaving her suspicious ideas aside, gives him some money. The old man thanks the lady and starts running away into the streets.

What happens then? What does the man do with the money?...

The mother and her daughter decide to chase the man to find out what he is up to.

After a few minutes, they see him going out of a pub, where he uses the money to buy an expensive Whisky and then goes to other pubs. He is a small and clever man that tricks people quickly an wittily.

I would recommend this gripping story because it is very interesting and realistic. It can happen to anyone at any moment when they go out. So take care!. It's a great story to read alone or with friends.

Celeste Vilela - Pre-FCE 2 - Melipal

Friday, October 22

Halloween poem by Ivan Sanchez B., Social Studies afternoon, Melipal

The witch

One night a cat saw a rat

and it ran in the dark to catch it very fast!

In a haunted mansion lived a witch who was rich

with her potions made a lot of money

and went on holiday with her friend the mummy.

Halloween poem by Rocio Tolley, Social Studies afternoon, Melipal

My Bat
I have bats

they are like rats.

One scary day

a bat escaped.

There was a cat

it could eat my bat.

In my room

I've got a broom

and my bat

used it to scare the cat!

I got rich

like a witch!

Halloween poem by Theo Radicella, Social Studies afternoon, Melipal

The cat

One day a cat wanted to catch a rat, but he didn't go, so he went to eat some toast and suddenly he saw a ghost!

Then he flew to his room on his broom,but he saw a skeleton who liked the sun.

Then he went to his mine and he saw Frankeistein!
Frankestein ate the poor cat and, in the tummy...
just imagine! there was one mummy!

Halloween poem by Malena Mijoler, Social Studies afternoon, Melipal

In my house

In my house lives a rat

and a bat and a cat

and a ghost who eats toast

and a witch who flies in her broom

in my room!

Halloween poem by Solange Gonzalez, Social Studies afternoon, Melipal

One day in my house...

I saw a ghost eating some toast.

I saw Frankenstein in a mine.

I saw a mummy with a big tummy.

I saw a witch flying on her broom in my bedroom!

Thursday, October 21

The Chocolate Julieta Layana, Pre-FCE 1 in town

I'm going to tell you about a funny thing that I once saw. As usual, last Monday I went to a cafe where I would spend my free time in between my sowing classes and swimming lessons. I sat at the table I usually sit at next to the chocolate counter, because I always tend to speak with the girls that work there. I remember very well the day I first noticed what was happening. It was a cold day in August.

I was in Mamuschka enjoying some delicious cookies and drinking my favourite tea - honey, cinnamon and apple- when suddenly a man came in. He looked rather strange in his t-shirt and shorts, a rather unusual outfit for the cold weather those days. He approached the counter with a very strange but friendly look and started to talk to one of the waitresses there, Martha. She was a nice girl, too nice maybe. So nice was she, she seemed quite dumb.

He asked her about the prices of chocolate first, then about the shop history and also about the history of chocolate, which Martha knew nothing about. He was very well spoken and a gentleman, and everything the young man said was in a seductive tone. Martha was rapidly hypnotized by the way he spoke.

Almost without thinking she offered him lots of chocolate to try out. When he had eaten enough, he just left without buying anything. The other girls started to tell Martha off, how could she be so stupid? Poor girl, It wasn't her fault.

The following day, I went to another cafe and there was he again, the same boy, different clothes and different girl. I couldn't believe it! He did the same things. His moves, the way he spoke... And yesterday, I saw him again! I guess he is a real trickster! I hope he gets caught soon!

Tuesday, October 19

The ski pass Federico Marcaccini Pre-FCE 1 in town

I am going to tell you about a funny thing that happened to me last weekend. I was in the mountain after a tiring day of skiing. I was going for something to drink when an old man stopped me and asked me for help.
"What’s the matter?” I asked.
“I haven’t got any money to go back to my house.” he told me.
I looked at him pretty suspiciously, how could he ask for money if he had been skiing, which as everybody knows, is not a cheap activity? I couldn’t understand it, so I decided to ask him.
“If you could pay for the ski-pass, you should have some money.” I said to him.
“Of course that I should have some money but while I was skiing, I lost all my money in the slope,” he said.
I thought to myself that an old person like him had to be telling the truth, so I decided to give him some money for the bus ticket. However, as I took out my wallet, he said “Oh no, no. I couldn’t receive any money from a child like you.”
“Excuse me sir, didn’t you ask me for money?” I asked him
“I need money but I want to give you something in exchange, like this ski-pass to come to the mountain tomorrow,” he said.
I obviously accepted. I thought that he was a real gentleman because of his honest proposal. I gave him $30 for the bus-fare and then I continued my way to a café for something to drink.

As I was getting closer to the café, I saw the old man running as fast as a child. It was rather obvious that he was up to something so I decided to follow him. He was scuttling along like a rabbit and I had to run very fast to keep up with him. Finally he went into a pub and I saw him through a small window. He was edging his way through the crowd towards the bar.

When he reached it, he spoke to the barman. I saw his lips moving as he gave him his order. The barman turned back and put a smallish tumbler with some light brown liquid up to the brim on the bar. It was whisky! And it was only 6 pm! Then the old man put some money on the counter. It was at that moment that I realized that those $30 were the ones I had given to him! When he finished the whisky, he stood up and turned away from the bar, edging his way back through the crowd to where his jacket was hanging. He put it on and then he lifted a ski-pass that was hanging from another jacket. After that, he went out in a rush, and so I hurried myself to follow him back to the main place where I had first met him.
I watched him in astonishment as he proceeded to exchange his new pass for another $30! Then he ran away, but this time in the opposite direction...
I guess he never goes to the same pub twice!

The nicer the man Florencia Padilla Pre-FCE 1 in town

Yesterday my daughter and I went to a café after we had gone to the dentist. When we finished, we went outside to get a taxi.

Suddenly, a man came out of the blue and walked towards us. He asked for some money for his taxi-fare because he had left his wallet at home. Just imagine! “Not in a million years,” I thought. Until he offered a silk umbrella in exchange…

As soon as I had given him the money he needed, he thanked me and disappeared round the corner. Only a split second had passed when my daughter saw the man crossing the street bustling along the pavement, sidestepping the other pedestrians and swinging his arms like a soldier on the march. Of course, I decided to follow him -unnoticed- and find out what he was up to.

He reached a pub, went in and edged his way through the crowd towards the bar where he bought a drink ... spending the pound I had given him!
I got furious and couldn’t help pulling one of my stony-faces; there was no doubt now that he was a trickster. Then I saw him stealing an umbrella and going out. I was very disappointed. We saw him doing the same thing to other people and that’s why I’m telling you this.

I want to warn you about this old man who seems so nice with his wrinkly face, but who’s a complete fake; I promise, he can convince you of anything.
Please be careful, this man could be behind you at any moment without you noticing.

Pre-FCE 1 in town

We've been doing research on Roald Dahl for some time now and have come to the conclusion - as many students from other courses have - that he had quite a life, with its ups and downs. Whatever said, he was undoubtedly a great writer. We are thankful for his passionate writing and hilarious stories.
It was based on one of his stories - THE UMBRELLA MAN - that we dared write our own versions.
Next, you will read our productions:
* a summary of the story retold from the mother's point of view, warning a talk- show audience to be aware of the little man.
* a different story with some similarities! This time, everything happens in a- ski centre!
We hope you enjoy yourselves!

Picture Copyright © Peter Fitzpatrick 1981—2010

Tuesday, August 31

kevin and clara

Roald dahl was a person who had a sad childhood. Dahl went on to create some of the best-loved children's stories of the 20th century, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, Matilda . he was a great carrer like a horror writer for adult. Usually he use black humor and surprise finishes.

cami and flor's opinion

Our opinion about Roald Dalh is that he was a very famous and intelligent writer. We know him because some of his stories were taken from films. We think that “Matilda” is one of his best stories. Matilda was a novel by Roald Dalh. It was also changed and made into a movie. This story is about a very intelligent girl but is paid little attention by her parents.
Roal Dahr was a very honorable man that had a big imagination.
He had a hard childhood because his father and his sister died but despite
he could go on with his life. He could Write lots of great stories (all of them were
about experiences of his life)and he could also open a foudation.
Gonza, Gonza y Paau.

Opinion about Roald Dahl life By Belen and Javier

Roald Dahl was a very important man, because he wrote a lot of big stories. They can be seen or read as tales and films even today. Roald Dahl was born in Wales in 1916. When he was a child he suffered, he lost his father who died. In 1933 Dahl abandoned his school because he suffered a hard education so he started working in a shell Oil Company. Some years later Roald Dahl could shine in literature on his child history. He died for leukemia in Oxford in 1990 when he was 74 years old. In conclusion Roald had a lot of opportunities in his life, and a big gift for writing and impact from his series on people, because he perdurates till today.

Our opinion about Roald Dahl

We think that he was a very good writer, because he wrote a lot of books, and he had a big imagination, we know that from the stories that he wrote.
His stories could get your heart, in our opinion the best are Matilda and Jim and the giant peach, because they spoke about sad Children with bad families, leave their houses and go to a nice place to live.
He was a very good person and he has a foundation to help people with a lot of diseases.

Cande and Ailin
WE have researched on Roald Dahl's life. These are our opinions.


Thursday, July 1


HABITAT: forest, tundra, meadow, and plateau.

COUNTRY/CONTINENT:Europe and around the world.

PHSYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: it has large ears, shorts fur, and some of them have insulating fur.

FOOD: grasshoppers, fruits. Foxes hunt other animals and then eat the meat.

HABITS: these animals sleep 6 hours a day, and they are very dangerous for the man .

The Panda Bear

The panda bear eats bamboo, they can eat for 12 hours.

They live in coniferous forest between 4000 and 11,000 feet high.The gigant panda has got black legs, arms and shoulders. It also has got eye patches.The rest of the animal´s coat is white.The gigant panda can usually live to be 25-30 years old in captivity.The panda bear lives in China.

Rocio y Fede

Tuesday, June 15


The elephants live in Africa. Their habitat is the savanna and their favourite tree is the baobao.

They eat plants.The physical characteristics of elephants are:they have a long trunk , thick and rough skin , two long tusks , big ears. A big head , a big body , a short tail , six sets of molar teeth .

They are very intelligent and very social animals,their lifespan is about 50 to 60 years.

Elephants get in the water to have a bath. The herd can have between 6 and 30 animals, the female is the head of the herd .They walk a lot for water and food.

The Dolphins

Continet: dolphins live in the sea, generally in shallow seawater of the continental shelves . There are 14 species of dolphins that have a full time life in the oceans. Many are attracted to coastal waters..

Physical characteristics: the dolphins have got a dorsal fin, pectoral flipper, tail fluke and a rostuland blowhole. Bottlenose dolphins average 2,5 to 2,7 m and weigh between 190 and 260kg. A bottlenose dolphin has a sleek streamlined body, adapted for life in an aquatic enviroment.

Food: it eats fish and squid. Different species are known to prefer different types of food .

Habits: the dolphins jump out of the surfase of the water and make acrobatic tricks. Scientists are not sure about the purpose of this jumping.

Tuesday, June 1

Greenfield Post Issue N° 1

Thursday, April 15

The Tennis is an English sport .You play tennis whit a racket and balls specific in a field .The fields

juan lago

The music is an entertainment that can conquer thousands of people. The music was first used to call all the gods, as the people couldn’t communicative; the music was the tool of this.
“I cannot live without the music” say Kevin Santibañez, the best music player of 2010.
“Me too” say lucho meier”, a common people.
The music is also an arts expression, because the artists express their sentiments or their problems, you know.
Thousands and thousands of music bands search win money, now the music is a form of search fame.
“I can fly in the music”.

Facebook is a web page in the internet . Here have people of all the word. The people meet friends and talk with they friends. You put yours photos, videos, commentary and all people see if you want, Because in your wall you can put who person can see and who person cant`n see your commentary. You can chat with friends too. You can do join in groups and can do the groups. In facebook you can meet withe people and play games

Martin Batica
Lucia Vottero
Franco Burgos

Los redondos

Patricio Rey y Sus Redonditos de Ricota (King Patricio and his Curd Roundies in English) was a rock band originally from La Plata, Argentina whose tours in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Patricio Rey is a fictional character or group consciousness, and not a real person or member of the group. "El Indio" Solari, lead singer, embodies the one-man-show mystique followed by his powerful guitar player Skay Beilinson.
The band was separated in 2001 for a fight with “El Indio” Solari and Skay Beilinson.

Write a composition on this topic of 20 words

We can say that bob Marley is the king of Reggae music. He was born in the USA but he lived in Jamaica. He died because he had a infection in the leg. He believed so much in his religion that he didn’t go to the doctor and he died.




Write a composition about this topic in 100 words

Richard Coins is a boy of twenty four years old. His parents died in an accident ten years ago. Richard lives in New York in the USA and he steals to survive in the city. In this photograph he is stealing a car. Richard is wearing a jacket, white pants and white trainers. Thieves must think seriously to take some thing. This man is wanted in eighteen countries of the world. He was seeing for the last time in the principal street of New York. OK men we must catch him and put him in jail. He must stay in jail for a long time. In 2009 he stole five cars, eight banks, ten restaurants and there supermarket. If we don’t catch him he may continue commiting crimes. CATCH HIM!!!!! Men that is an excellent case.

My idea of the holidays is in the mountain where there is snow. I love skiing in the mountain with my friends and my family.
My favorite part of the mountain is the snow park because It is where all my friends are and I always have more fun in other parts.
I love the mountain because all my family skies. I ski since I was three years old.
My friends ski very well and they are very crazy but my family skies quietly .The norms of the ski is
Don’tski very fast.
In all chairlifts use the passport.
Do not jump off the chairlifts
Ski carefully.

Nacho Ordonez

A crime is when a law is not fulfilled or a law is disobeyed. This can happen in different forms:
1) Stealing
2) Cheating and many other forms
I like the crimes because those who do them are so intelligent and they think the plan in a length time ahead. Then when they are caught they have to put his or her face under of his/her t-shirt and they are going to be in the jail. There are bad people and in general they use drugs to do that or something similar.
And the lesson out of this is don’t use drugs and never commit a crime.
Do not get into the world of drugs,…

Agustin Ruiz

Tuesday, April 6

Posting has returned!!!

Intermediate groups welcome all of you back to the blog.

We hope you enjoy our productions and we invite you to comment on them.

Thanks a million!!!

Thursday, February 25

Social studies

useful material and worksheets to work in social studies.

Useful lyrics site

Suitable for listening activities
Ayelen & Mariela

Hi girls!

Dear girlies,

We are glad to share this new approach to technology with you all. Hope it works!

Hava a good time!

Candela and Ivanna

PS: the link is quite fun to use.


Hi! We're back. Welcome to a new year of fun and activities... :-)

welcome back!!!!

We welcome you allto this great community of bloggers! Let's all share our thoughts and have a really good time while we're at it !
An interesting tip that Candela gave us to work with films ...
Susana, Marita and Mariana

back to classes!

Welcome back to the Institute!!!! Let's have fun, learn a lot and share our productions with everyone else at Greenfield!!

Wednesday, February 24

Very interesting !!

Hi Girls !Look what I've found on the net !!


We would like to welcome all Greenfield people to the blog and wish a great year to everyone at Greenfield !!!

2010 school year


A new year is starting for all of us, and surely we are full of expectations!!!
As the head of the institute, I want to assure you that myself and all the teachers will be more than eager to fulfil the many needs you may have, and also those needs you might not know you actually have, as a learner.

Just come to us with a wide-open mind to allow us to help you become a good learner now, and a great speaker and/or writer of English in the near future.


For a great 2010 school year!!!

Let`s put all our good wishes together in order to get the best this year.

Saturday, February 20

Good Luck to all Greenfield teachers!!!
Guille and Ana Claudia