Wednesday, November 19

Thanks Greenfield !!!!!!!


My name is Lei and I would like to tell you what I think about this year....Well, I started my lessons expecting to learn lots of things, and guess what ? I did.

With this new teacher that I didn´t know and my partners that now are my friends I learnt more than I expected.
Because with them I learnt how to laugh and cry at the same time...How to speak English veeeeeery well :) and how to understand that the person that is at your side can be more than your simple partner...or teacher!! But the best is that we learnt all that together, as the group we are. THE SUPER POWERS!!!!!!

For all the things that I said I want to thank Flor =) ; Vicky =) ; Granny Nanny =) ; Dany =) ; my new little redhaired princess Brendy =)and of course the Queen,the best, OUR TEACHER Ana Claudia...

I love you Girlies!!!!

...Lei =)

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