Wednesday, October 14

Hollywood Fiction

Pirates of the Caribbean is a great film, but don`t believe everything you see about the life of an eighteenth century pirate. Filmmakers cleary hadn`t studied history before they made the film. In the film, a pirate`s life seems exciting and Johnny Depp looks romanti, but in real life pirates weren`t romantic at all, killed sailors and took anything valuable. And it`s no good looking for hidden treasure, because a soon as they got into port, they sold the jewels or gold they had stolen.

A pirate`s life involved danger, violence and early death, perhaps it was a bit too exciting at times. It was certainly a hard life, because pirates ships weren`t like the luxury cruise ships we see nowadays in the Caribbean. Three hundred years ago ships were filthy and cramped. The smell of human sweat on board ships was imaginable. There wasn`t much privacy, they weren`t any toilets and lot of pirates had stomach problems!

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