Thursday, May 31

hello !!

hi !!

My name is Margui. I like chocolate, and you ?? .What is your favourite food ?? . My favourite animal is the dog .What is your favourite animal ??. Iam from Bariloche , my school is 321. What is your school name ??. My sport is skate. What is your favourite sport ???. I am ten years old ,and you ???.
My favourite film is " HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ".And you ??.
Write to me.


How are you?

I am Juan Martin. I am from Bariloche. My animal she is a dog you name she is Pampa.
My father,Sergio he is a Yoga Profesor . My mother, Fernanda she is a vitriux teacher.
Yean old how are you?
what is you favourite sports?



Hi, my name is Santiago but my nickname is Santi.
I'm eleven.
I go to 298 school.
My favourite sport is basket.
Whats your name?
How old are you?
Whats your favourite sport?



Hello friends!!!

Hi!! How are you?

My firts name´s Catalina, but my nick name´s Caty.
My surname´s Lascano. I´m thirteen. I´m from Bariloche.
My school is C.E.M nÂș 2. I love singing. My favorite song is
"Will go on".
My flog is

What´s your favourite song?
What are you interests?



My name is Andres but They call me Andy.
My surname is Bollini .
I am from Bariloche and my school is 298.
What your school name?
My favourite sport is football. And yours?
I has a dog, she`s name is Gala.
Write to me !!!!


How old are you?
My name is Macarena, and my nickname is Maky.
I'm Argentinian, I'm from Bariloche.
My favourite animal is the horse
and my favourite colour is purple..
What's your name?
What are you favourite films?
Whats is your school name?
Where do you live?


Write to me.


Hi girls!

Hi !!! How are you ??I'm fine.
My first name is Cami and my surname is Bearzi Britos.
I am eleven and you ?? my favourite colour is violet . My favourite place is Bariloche.
What is your favourite song ???, mine is " the star of something new ".What is your name ??. My school is 321 and yours??. My favourite film is " HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL''
and yours ???. My favourite subject is :music , art , e.p. and maths . My favourite ice cream is chocolate and yours ??... I love singing... My pets are Breno, Canela, Cholo, (dogs) Nina , Michiu , Penelope (cats).....
write to me.. GOOD BYEEE


Hi!!! How are you?

My frist name´s Camila, but my nick name´s Cami. My surname is Tiburzio.
I´m from Argentina, I´m not from Spain, I´m from Bariloche.
My favorite things are P.E and my favorite subjets Geography.

What´s your name?
What are your favorite things?

Please write to me!!!



How old are you?
Are you OK?
Where is your school?
Do you like pizza?
My favourite food is chicken, but I don't like soup.
OK bye.
Write to me.



Hi,how are you?
I am Joaco.I am from Bariloche in Argentina. I am thirteen years old,and my surname is Rodriguez. My favourite film is Harry Potter 4. My favourite subject is biology. Please, write to me!
Best wishes.