Thursday, June 14

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Alan Poe, was a writer who wrote a lot of horror stories. For example, The Tell Tale Heart, The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado, etc.
This man was an American, who was born on January 19, 1809 and died on October 7 1849.
His father died after he was born, and his mother left him when he was a kid.
The man who adopted him was called John Allan who lived with Edgar.A.P and his wife in The United Kingdom. He got married with a woman, who died soon. After that he got married again but now with his cousin. He enrolled in the USA army, but he left it because he was alcoholic.
He wrote stories for many different magazines.

He wrote all his stories with things in common, like the place where the main character hid the body or the person who he killed(The Cask o Amontillado-The Cat). His style of writing was very depressing (for me Agos) and very good (for Simon). In his stories he used to include some events that had happened in his own life.
His stories were of horror because his life was not a good one, he probably needed some help to get over his dark feelings.

This story is about a man who was crazy. And he wanted to kill an old man because he hated his eye. And everyday he went to the room of the old man and saw his eye. Finally he killed him , cut him into pieces and hid him under the floor. Then he confesses after hearing the beat of the old man´s heart inside his head.

This story is about a man who insults another man and the man who was insulted takes revenge and ends killing him. One puts the other between two walls and burying him alive.

We have different opinions on the project but we try to do our best!!!!!


Agostina and Simon
Edgar Allan Poe.

After working with Poe in the social studies class, we have to analise the way that he wrote his stories and his life.
We have read : The tell-tale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado, The Black Cat and The Raven. We noticed in all of his stories that he used the same style to write them. In the stories always happened something bad to a person. He wrote the stories in arabesque genre, which is a dark horror writing style.
We really liked all the stories. We think that he wrote in that way to express his feelings.
The Tell-Tale Heart is about a man who killed another one because of his fake eye. He killed him and put him under the ground. Then when the police came to his house he thought that the heart was beating and he became crazy. In “The Raven” a man lost his soul because a raven, representing Death took it away. In the Cask of Amontillado, a man put his friend between two walls because he insulted him. In the Black Cat a man killed a woman and put her between two walls with a black cat. A few years later they open the two walls and they found the black cat which had eaten woman’s brain
That´s all Folks!!! we hope you´ve liked it.


Soledad and Victoria

Upper intermediate Social Studies in town.


Edgar Allan Poe:
The Raven, The Tell Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado
In this report we are going to talk about some great pieces of arabesque writing of the xix century, by Edgar Allan Poe.
The writer, Edgar Allan Poe, was born on January19,1809 in England. He was adopted because his mother and father died when he was just 2 years old.
Then, Frances family adopted him .He didn’t have a very good life because he always had alcohol problems, but his adopted family was always there to help.
He left the university because he had money problems with other students but that didn’t stop him and he kept on writing on his own. He could work in some important newspapers and there he could publish his best horror stories which then would be very famous. He also wrote some poems but in his same arabesque form.
THE RAVEN: this story is about a man who was a little bit crazy about the lost of his love, Lenore, and he couldn’t rest in peace for that. Then a black and horrible raven appeared in his room and started croaking “nevermore” when he asked about his lover destiny. And also in the same room, the poor man could feel the death which didn’t want to take his soul away.

We liked Edgar’s literature because in its own way, it was unique and it could catch our attention, because his horror style is very interesting.

Project POE

Edgar Allan Poe.

After working with Poe in the social studies class, we have to analise the way that he wrote his stories and his life.
We have read : The tell-tale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado, The Black Cat and The Raven. We noticed in all of his stories that he used the same style to write them. In the stories always happened something bad to a person. He wrote the stories in arabesque genre, which is a dark horror writing style.
We really liked all the stories. We think that he wrote in that way to express his feelings.
The Tell-Tale Heart is about a man who killed another one because of his fake eye. He killed him and put him under the ground. Then when the police came to his house he thought that the heart was beating and he became crazy. In “The Raven” a man lost his soul because a raven, representing Death took it away. In the Cask of Amontillado, a man put his friend between two walls because he insulted him. In the Black Cat a man killed a woman and put her between two walls with a black cat. A few years later they open the two walls and they found the black cat which had eaten woman’s brain
That´s all Folks!!! we hope you´ve liked it.


Soledad and Victoria

Upper intermediate Social Studies in town.


We will talk about Poe’s life and his stories; where and when he was born, his wives, and the main topics of his life. About his stories we will talk about the “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Raven”.
Edgar Alan Poe was born in Boston, January 19,1809. He also lived in Scotland, London, Chelsea, Virginia and many other places. He started to write poetry in April 1827. Some important people in Poe’s life were: Elizabeth his mother, Arnold Poe his father, Virginia (first wife), Sarah Whitman (second wife), Allen John (step father).
He became alcoholic and it was one of the biggest problems he had. One version of his death is that he died in the street drinking.
The “Tell-Tale Heart” is about a man who served an old gentleman in his home, and that old man had a vulture eye. The servant hated his eye, and one day he decided to kill him. In the end the police arrested him, but it was something uncommon. The police didn’t believe the confession, because he said that he could hear the beat of the heart of the dead man from under the floor.
We think that this stories are interesting and of horror. We recommend it if you like this type of stories.

Flor & Mailen Upper Intermediate Social Studies

The man in the Town

The man in the town
One day a man was walking in the street when he found a map of a house.
So he decided to go to this house. There he saw two women killing another man. When the man was getting close to the women he was also killed.
The next day another man found the same map and went to the same house. When the man saw the two women they were eating human meat. So the man took a gun and shot. The women died and they never killed another person again.
The following week, this brave man shot a woman, he got insane and killed five people in a bomb explosion near the house……..

Emilio....Juniors III

Bye Bye

Computer Technology


We are Beginners V Melipal. We are working on computer technology. Do you know what these abbreviations mean?

  1. CD
  2. PC
  3. WWW
  4. DVD
  5. HD

If you want to check the answers, contact us next week.

Our group: Elianne, Julieta, Sofia, Malena, Franco and Bernardo.


Computer Technology