Tuesday, June 15


The elephants live in Africa. Their habitat is the savanna and their favourite tree is the baobao.

They eat plants.The physical characteristics of elephants are:they have a long trunk , thick and rough skin , two long tusks , big ears. A big head , a big body , a short tail , six sets of molar teeth .

They are very intelligent and very social animals,their lifespan is about 50 to 60 years.

Elephants get in the water to have a bath. The herd can have between 6 and 30 animals, the female is the head of the herd .They walk a lot for water and food.

The Dolphins

Continet: dolphins live in the sea, generally in shallow seawater of the continental shelves . There are 14 species of dolphins that have a full time life in the oceans. Many are attracted to coastal waters..

Physical characteristics: the dolphins have got a dorsal fin, pectoral flipper, tail fluke and a rostuland blowhole. Bottlenose dolphins average 2,5 to 2,7 m and weigh between 190 and 260kg. A bottlenose dolphin has a sleek streamlined body, adapted for life in an aquatic enviroment.

Food: it eats fish and squid. Different species are known to prefer different types of food .

Habits: the dolphins jump out of the surfase of the water and make acrobatic tricks. Scientists are not sure about the purpose of this jumping.