Friday, April 18

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa´s true name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was born in 1910 .She was born in Skopje ,She died in September 1997.In 1950, she and her helpers formed the Missionaries of Charity and Mother Theresa was the leader. When she was 18, she became part of Ireland's Order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto. She trained in Dublin, Ireland and Darjiling, India.In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her accomplishments. Mother Theresa worked as a principal at a high school in Kolkota, but the sight of the sick and dying in the streets made her change her mind of what to do. In 1948, she was allowed to leave her office to help the sick. In 1950, she and her helpers formed the Missionaries of Charity and Mother Theresa was the leader. However, a book of her quotations and anecdotes Mother Theresa: In My Own Words was published. A year later, she chose Sister Nirmala to be the next leader of the Missionaries of Charity.

Matyy :)

Christopher Colombus was born in August 1451 and died in May 20 1506 .He was a navigator, colonizer and explorer . he discovered America ,he was a great man

Columbus' voyages across the
Atlantic Ocean began a European effort at exploration and colonization of the Western Hemisphere. While history places great significance on his first voyage of 1492, he did not actually reach the American mainland until his third voyage in 1498. Instead, he made landfall on an island in the Bahamas Archipelago that he named San Salvador while trying to find a sea route to India, hence the indigenous inhabitants being called "Indians". Likewise, he was not the earliest European explorer to reach the Americas, and there are accounts of European transatlantic contact prior to 1492. Nevertheless, Columbus's voyage came at a critical time of growing national imperialism and economic competition between developing nation states seeking wealth from the establishment of trade routes and colonies. The term Pre-Columbian is sometimes used to refer to the people and cultures of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and further European influence.
The anniversary of the 1492 voyage (vd.
Columbus Day) is observed on October 21 throughout the Americas and in Spain


Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born in Poland on November 7, 1867. At the age of 16 she won a gold medal when finishing the secondary school. After a while, she started working as a teacher to help her family. When she has a 18 years old, she worked as a governess and paid for her sister´s medical school with the money she received.
In 1891, Marie went to Paris and worked at a laboratory of the physicist Gabriel Lippman. In 1894, she met Pierre Curie, and they got married on July 25, 1895.In 1898 they discovered the element Polonium. . A few months later, she and Pierre also discovered Radium. Marie also obtained pure metallic radium with A. Debierne and in 1903, Marie won the Nobel Prize in Physics. She became the first woman to receive a Novel Prize in Physics. In 1904 she was an assistant of the laboratory at Sevres.
On April 19, 1906, Marie’s husband died but she continued her scientific work. She became the first female head of Laboratory at the Sorbonne University in Paris in 1906 and also received another Nobel Prize, this one in Chemistry, in 1911. She was the first person ever to win two Nobel Prizes. In 1922, Marie became a member of the Academy of Medicine.
On July 4, 1934, Marie died of leukemia, probably caused by her exposure to radiation during her experiments.

napoleon bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 15 August 1769 in Corsica into a gentry family. Educated at military school, he was rapidly promoted and in 1796, was made commander of the French army in Italy, where he forced Austria and its allies to make peace. In 1798, Napoleon conquered Ottoman-ruled Egypt in an attempt to strike at British trade routes with India. He was stranded when his fleet was destroyed by the British at the Battle of the Nile.
France now faced a new coalition - Austria and Russia had allied with Britain. Napoleon returned to Paris where the government was in crisis. In a coup d'etat in November 1799, Napoleon became first consul. In 1802, he was made consul for life and two years later, emperor. He oversaw the centralisation of government, the creation of the Bank of France, the reinstatement of Roman Catholicism as the state religion and law reform with the Code Napoleon.
In 1800, he defeated the Austrians at Marengo. He then negotiated a general European peace which established French power on the continent. In 1803 Britain resumed war with France, later joined by Russia and Austria. Britain inflicted a naval defeat on the French at Trafalgar (1805) so Napoleon abandoned plans to invade England and turned on the Austro-Russian forces, defeating them at Austerlitz later the same year. He gained much new territory, including annexation of Prussian lands which ostensibly gave him control of Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, Holland and Westphalia created, and over the next 5 years, Napoleon's relatives and loyalists were installed as leaders (in Holland, Westphalia, Italy, Naples, Spain and Sweden).
In 1810, he had his childless marriage to Josephine de Beauharnais annulled and married the daughter of the Austrian emperor in the hope of having an heir. A son, Napoleon, was born a year later.
The Peninsular War began in 1808. Costly French defeats over the next five years drained French military resources. Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 resulted in a disastrous retreat. The tide started to turn in favour of the allies and in March 1814, Paris fell. Napoleon went into exile on the Mediterranean island of Elba. In March 1815 he escaped and marched on the French capital. The Battle of Waterloo ended his brief reign. The British imprisoned him on the remote Atlantic island of St. Helena where he died on 5 May 1821.

florencia padilla y camila droz/bria- Social studies