Tuesday, May 22

Animals in Danger - How much do you know?

Solve the quiz carefully and then click on the link at the end and check your answers...


1. What is a Dodo?
a ) Mammal
b ) Bird
c ) Fish
2. What is the biggest meat eating that ever lived on earth?
3. Fossils tell us a lot about what animals were like, what plants were like and how long they lived.
True / False
4. Tigers are big cats.
True / False
5. Animals breathe __________ .
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon di-oxide
c) Nitrogen
6. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called
a ) Carnivores
b ) Omnivores
c ) Herbivores
7. Do the horns of rhinos have magical powers?
Yes / No
8. Giant Pandas eat only _________________.
9. What does extinct mean?
10. What does a quagga look like?
a) A little like a horse and little like a lion
b) A little like a tiger and a little like a zebra
c) A little like a zebra and a little like a horse

Check our answers on the answers page.

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