Thursday, June 14

Edgar Allan Poe.

After working with Poe in the social studies class, we have to analise the way that he wrote his stories and his life.
We have read : The tell-tale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado, The Black Cat and The Raven. We noticed in all of his stories that he used the same style to write them. In the stories always happened something bad to a person. He wrote the stories in arabesque genre, which is a dark horror writing style.
We really liked all the stories. We think that he wrote in that way to express his feelings.
The Tell-Tale Heart is about a man who killed another one because of his fake eye. He killed him and put him under the ground. Then when the police came to his house he thought that the heart was beating and he became crazy. In “The Raven” a man lost his soul because a raven, representing Death took it away. In the Cask of Amontillado, a man put his friend between two walls because he insulted him. In the Black Cat a man killed a woman and put her between two walls with a black cat. A few years later they open the two walls and they found the black cat which had eaten woman’s brain
That´s all Folks!!! we hope you´ve liked it.


Soledad and Victoria

Upper intermediate Social Studies in town.


Anonymous said...

Dear students,

This is Carlota writing to you all to congratulate you on the excellent job done in this blog of ours, Greenfield's blog!!

At the beginning of the year we had this idea of starting a blog in one of our first 2007 meetings. Now after a few months I am awfully glad to see how it has developed into this interesting material, with some groups already posting their work for all of us to enjoy it.

Besides being glad, delighted, thrilled with all your work, I have to tell you that most of all I am thankful to all of you and your teachers for making this possible, allowing me to share in the fun!!

Keep up this fantastic experience, always thinking that what you are doing now, in your adolescence will remain with you for ever!!!

Thanks again.


June 21st, 2007

Anonymous said...

I think that the project was great,because we worked in group and we learnt about this writer.
the cool group
agos cool
and simon looser.