Monday, August 27

Natural Disasters

The 8.0 magnitude quake that struck the coast of Peru on August 15 killed at least 500 people and left tens of thousands homeless. In a vast disaster area surrounding the cities of Pisco and Ica, the survivors, many of them living on the streets, are now desperately waiting for help. Over 34,000 houses were destroyed by the quake and several powerful aftershocks. The damage to the infrastructure is so severe that many relief efforts are hampered and remote mountain communities are cut off from assistance.The quake struck about 600km south-east of the Peruvian capital Lima at 1533 local time (2033 GMT) Chile and Bolivia also felt the earthquake. In northern Chile, 30 people were injured,four of them seriously.

Operations have also been hampered by a series of aftershocks, with many people worried about returning to their houses. Peru was battered by a strong 7.7 magnitude tremor in 1970 that killed approximately 70,000 people.
Abril Fonso, intermediate - social studies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is beautiful.