Friday, March 28

What`s your favourite animal?

What’s your favourite animal?

1. Which is your dream?

a- Flying above a river watching the fish swimming
b- Running to the Sahara Desert and see lots of camels
c- Sliding on the ground and see lots of insects

2. If you went to a jungle you would like to meet:

a- A lion hidden waiting to eat you up
b- An elephant ready to smash you
c- A snake on a tree about to strangle you

3. Which of these birds do you like?

a- Beautiful parrots
b- Wild condors
c- Badly Toucans

4. Which of these pets do you like?

a- A good friend like a dog
b- An independent Cat
c- a Fish

5. What do you like most?

a- Running with a tiger in a jungle
b- Swimming with dolphins in an ocean
c- Jumping with a kangaroo across a prairie

6. What was your worst experience?

a- You were swimming in the lake and a shark ate piece of you
b- You were running ,you fell and broke your leg
c- You were on a plane and it fell. But you survived.

7. Which animals have you already lived with?

a-In a Australia with a kangaroo
b- In Bariloche with a deer
c-In Africa with a lion

8-Choose your favourite animal

Mostly A: You are a bird lover. You don’t like cages. Freedom is the best
Mostly B: You are a fast cheetah. You are intelligent and witty.
Mostly C: Snakes are your friends. You are not to be trusted


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful test. good lucky!

Anonymous said...

It´s very interesting test. I like it

Anonymous said...

is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

is a beautiful test. very interesting