Wednesday, August 13

Lucy and her missing jewel by Daniela and Leila

One week ago, Jack Frost stole all the jewels of Fairyland. With Rachel’s and Kristy’s help Queen Titania and King Oberon could find some jewels.
- Lucy is very frightened because she doesn’t find her stone - said Queen Titania.
- We must find her diamond - said Rachel.
Kirsty had a dream, where she could see Lucy’s jewel. When she woke up, she told this to Rachel; - the jewel is near the sky said Kirsty - it’s on a roof, but how strange… it’s a Chinese roof !!
Rachel ran to her backpack and she took her locket, Kirsty did the same, they rubbed their lockets together and a rain of sparkle start falling down their heads. When they opened their eyes they were in Fairyland. Queen Titania and King Oberon were waiting for them. – It’s in China!! Lucy’s diamond is in China-
shouted Kirsty.
- Lucy, Lucy, came here!!!- said King Oberon. -You are going to travel with the girlies to China!-
[In China…]
- Do you remember where is the jewel?- asked Lucy
- No, but I know how the roof looks like – said Kirsty
They had flown to China holding Lucy’s hands. Now they were in ......
to be continued....

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