Thursday, October 21

The Chocolate Julieta Layana, Pre-FCE 1 in town

I'm going to tell you about a funny thing that I once saw. As usual, last Monday I went to a cafe where I would spend my free time in between my sowing classes and swimming lessons. I sat at the table I usually sit at next to the chocolate counter, because I always tend to speak with the girls that work there. I remember very well the day I first noticed what was happening. It was a cold day in August.

I was in Mamuschka enjoying some delicious cookies and drinking my favourite tea - honey, cinnamon and apple- when suddenly a man came in. He looked rather strange in his t-shirt and shorts, a rather unusual outfit for the cold weather those days. He approached the counter with a very strange but friendly look and started to talk to one of the waitresses there, Martha. She was a nice girl, too nice maybe. So nice was she, she seemed quite dumb.

He asked her about the prices of chocolate first, then about the shop history and also about the history of chocolate, which Martha knew nothing about. He was very well spoken and a gentleman, and everything the young man said was in a seductive tone. Martha was rapidly hypnotized by the way he spoke.

Almost without thinking she offered him lots of chocolate to try out. When he had eaten enough, he just left without buying anything. The other girls started to tell Martha off, how could she be so stupid? Poor girl, It wasn't her fault.

The following day, I went to another cafe and there was he again, the same boy, different clothes and different girl. I couldn't believe it! He did the same things. His moves, the way he spoke... And yesterday, I saw him again! I guess he is a real trickster! I hope he gets caught soon!

1 comment:

Miss Cande said...

I'm so proud of you Juli!! Great story!!!! Keep up the good work.
Miss Cande