Tuesday, October 19

The nicer the man seems....by Florencia Padilla Pre-FCE 1 in town

Yesterday my daughter and I went to a café after we had gone to the dentist. When we finished, we went outside to get a taxi.

Suddenly, a man came out of the blue and walked towards us. He asked for some money for his taxi-fare because he had left his wallet at home. Just imagine! “Not in a million years,” I thought. Until he offered a silk umbrella in exchange…

As soon as I had given him the money he needed, he thanked me and disappeared round the corner. Only a split second had passed when my daughter saw the man crossing the street bustling along the pavement, sidestepping the other pedestrians and swinging his arms like a soldier on the march. Of course, I decided to follow him -unnoticed- and find out what he was up to.

He reached a pub, went in and edged his way through the crowd towards the bar where he bought a drink ... spending the pound I had given him!
I got furious and couldn’t help pulling one of my stony-faces; there was no doubt now that he was a trickster. Then I saw him stealing an umbrella and going out. I was very disappointed. We saw him doing the same thing to other people and that’s why I’m telling you this.

I want to warn you about this old man who seems so nice with his wrinkly face, but who’s a complete fake; I promise, he can convince you of anything.
Please be careful, this man could be behind you at any moment without you noticing.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great ! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Very nice story.

Anonymous said...

it's nice